American Express


  • We advise. We have worked with the building manager at 200 Vesey on multiple infrastructure upgrade projects in our role as base building engineer, including replacing the BMS system and replacing the interior control systems.
  • Why it matters. The replacement of the Building Management System (BMS) has improved efficiency and reliability. Our first step on this project was to provide a comprehensive survey of the existing systems and make a recommendation for design, including review of vendors and systems types, a construction budget and project schedule. We came up with a strategy to install a new system, while keeping the existing system operational in order to minimize downtime to the building.
  • We construct. Our commissioning team has worked closely with the building management on the replacement of all of the interior control systems. Over a four month period, our team verified all hot water control valves, tested the actuators for all air dampers, and reviewed the control valves to ensure that they were functional as designed. We also
    worked with the controls vendor to verify the air flow out of the VAV and fan powered boxes. One of the added benefits that our commissioning team added during the control systems testing process was that we were able to also identify related heating and cooling issues and work with the building team to address these issues.
  • This project was completed while the space was occupied, so all of our work had to be done through a process that would not affect the company operations.
  • Interesting fact. We’ve been the base building engineer at 200 Vesey for 5+ years.