Our People

Summer Playlist & Crossword

By Julie Pampuch

June 21, 2022


It’s the first day of summer, and we don’t know about you, but we look forward to enjoying warmer weather! Our team put together two themed activities to celebrate the start of the season.


The first is a crossword puzzle, which combines our love of engineering (with engineering-themed words) and the summer. Complete the crossword here, and let us know what you think! How does it work? At the bottom of the screen, find the word clues for both Across and Down. Click any of the clues, and it will highlight where the term is above. Then, fill in the word, and the text will turn green if it is correct. If it is wrong, it will turn red. Continue until the board is filled out!


We also added songs to a Spotify playlist, which you can access here. To create the playlist, we asked our interns for song recommendations (we also asked everyone who has been an intern before!). The result is a playlist perfect for being on the lake, sitting on the beach, driving with the windows down on the highway, and all our other favorite activities.