I2SL: We're Speaking in October!

By Raymond Doyle

July 21, 2022


Our team is looking forward to speaking at I2SL’s Annual Conference and Technology Fair this October in Pittsburgh, PA. I2SL is the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories. It will be a great opportunity to share our team’s expertise in laboratory design and our interest in conserving energy and natural resources. We help people using labs to improve people’s health and productivity. We do so while designing engineering systems with the least energy and environmental impact.


I, Managing Director, Life Sciences, and Desmond Greene, Managing Director, Energy & Sustainability, will discuss why the most sustainable building is the one someone already has. We’ll talk about how new buildings are often in the news promoting their sustainable design. We’re shifting the conversation from the sustainability of new buildings to the sustainability of existing buildings. You do not need a new R&D or manufacturing building to be sustainable. During the conference, our conversation will describe how to reposition existing buildings.

We’ll tell the story of a recent project for a life sciences developer, where a detailed master plan and a phased approach enabled the client to achieve sustainability goals when they converted an existing warehouse to a new R&D space. We’ll talk about how the code impacted this project – from incentives to penalties.

From there, we’ll continue by describing different strategies to reduce energy consumption and carbon impact. A second project story, about a major pharmaceutical company, will follow our team’s process and challenges in transforming one of the client’s existing buildings from one that consumed a lot of energy to one that helps the company achieve their ESG goals. In the process, we were also able to reduce the building’s operating costs. The secret to this success? Retro commissioning.

For both of our stories, and for all of the ones that we don’t have time to tell in our 20 minutes, what led our clients to meet their sustainability goals was making good decisions for the right reasons.

If you’d like to register for the event, please do so by going to our events page.